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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who thinks colorguard is stupid? i sure do!?


Who thinks colorguard is stupid? i sure do!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I sure do not!! Colorguard is really hard and it takes a lot of work. . . but sorry you are not willing to wark as hard to acheive greatness! I think your mom is stupid. Colorguard is my favorite!!

Hi Keri! It sometimes looks boring, but it really takes a lot of training to do colorguard and it takes a lot of strength...You just cant appreciate what services are done by them. Anything that interests someone is not stupid....some people may think that collecting butterfly's is stupid....but someone out there loves it.....I hate that....when people have nothing better to do then cut up what other people are interested's probably because they have no interest themselves and are jealous !!!!!!! All my life growing up I was ridiculed because I loved chess, played classical guitar, loved classical music as well as rock, (but that didn't count) and also was an avid reader....if they saw me reading a book like the Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck they made fun of me for months. Thank God that I was attractive, and the opposite sex was attracted to me, otherwise my childhood would have been nothing but miserable !!!!!!!!! Ok first of all, before you say something totally rude and insensitive like that you need to know what you are talking about. Second, if you're going to make that kind of a statement, at least support it with some reasons why you think so.

I absolutely do not think that colorguard is stupid. It takes a level of concentration that many don't possess. If you took the time to learn more about it and how tough it can be, you'd understand. But perhaps it requires such high understanding, someone of your level of incompetence would never get it.