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Guitar help???

I would like to start playing the guitar, but want to make sure I buy the right guitar for the music I would like to play. I would like to buy an acoustic, but would that be ok to play classic rock music (70s or 80s) such as The Doobie Brothers, Allman Brothers, Steely Dan, CCR, etc.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You may want to look at a nice acoustic electric. It looks more or less like an acoustic guitar, but it has a pickup, and possibly a pre-amp and equalizer built into it. Some of them even have a built in tuner. The bands you mentioned have a pretty wide range of sounds and while you are going to have no problems with Black Water or Rickie don't lose that number, you might want a somewhat different sound for Listen to the Doctor or FM. An acoustic electric would give you the best of both worlds with the nice resonant acoustic sound and the ability to add a little processing and volume when you need it. Hope this helps. Alvarez.

I use a cheap alvarez for about 90% of my gigs, and I am either doing blues, Irish, or EXACTLY the kind of rock you are talking about. That's a wide range for an acoustic to handle. Look at a Takamine EG series. It has a really good plugged in tone, and with enough eq you can get an electric hollow body sound. If you have the $$$, another good choice would be the Taylor T5 - it has the widest variety of tones.