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Electric strings for acoustic guitar easy on fingers?

I heard that electric strings cause fingertips to toughen more quickly and are therefore easier to learn with--My friend strung his acoustic with electric strings at first and then switched back when he was ready. Is this a good idea and why or why not..?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Could work-I started off on electric guitar and my fingers were like rocks after 5 days. Whe I got to the acoustic it was SOOO much easier to play cause my fingers were already toughened up. its not a bad idea....i did that when i was little:) If anything, acoustic strings would toughen your fingers more. I don't think the difference is the type of string but the gauge (size). If might be good to start with light strings (10 or 11s) and then moving up to 12 or 13s after a year or two. Depends. Acoustics with steel strings would be about the same, bur you can put lighter gauge acoustic strings on. Acoustics with nylon strings are esier on the fingers, but, whatever you do, do NOT put steel strings on a nylon strung guitar. The tension is too great, and could easliy break the guitar in half, or pull the bridge oof (I've seen it happen). Time and practise will toughen up your fingertips. Hope this helps. The best way to condition your fingers is to practice, but not too much. You don't want to cause a blister. Use one finger at a time, and hit each fret 4 times. Go up 10 frets. Do this on every string. Do this once a day for the first week. Increase to twice a day on the second week. By the third week, if you haven't given up, you'll be in good shape.