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What's and easy song to play on the guitar?

I'm just learning and the only chords I know are the seven power chords, Am, and Em

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yesterday by the Beatles, Tears in Heaven, by Clapton, and Time in a Bottle, by Jim Croce, a lot of the songs by Green Day, they have books out that are for easy guitar...check google....type in this, songs made easy for guitar....and see what you like....or I would go to Sam Ash, they have a better selection of song books then the Guitar Center does, and look for books that say something like songs made easy.....and look for the ones that have songs that you like....some of them are made very easy....even some of the more comlicated songs are transcribed with easier chords....they don't sound as good but your just a beginner.... this would be very good for getting your fingers and hands ready for the most comlicated's hard to list a lot of songs here because I'm not sure what you like. So do as I said, and see what you can find !!!! Good luck !! bye. ONE by metallica its hella easy Iron Man (Black Sabbith) is an easy one to start with. But its still fun to play even after you get good. Beck, "Puttin' it down". It's on a rare album of his called "Stereopathetic Soul Manure". The whole song is G to A strummed back and forth the whole time without any change except for at one point in the chorus it goes to E and D. (c ) d) are good ,chords ,with , AM ,& EM ,as passing .chords.look at yor,cart in yor book foor more. Try some Green Day - if you know power choards, you should get through that easily enough.