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Guitar Riffs?

What's the best guitar riff you can think of right off your head?
I'm thinking Drastic Actions by Bad Religion... but I'm listening to it right now. xD
Just really wondering. First person to answer reasonably will get my stars.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to agree with the first answer....when I read your question that's the first thing that came to mind....weird because I was on youtube Saturday night listening to all these young kids playing their rendition of Sweet Child of Mine, and I found one kid who was really fabulous... I must have played it ten times ....and this kid was only about fifteen !!!!!!!!! Amazing. opening riff to Sweet Child O Mine by Guns & Roses. I'm not really an 80s head but that riff is legendary. i like the opening riff of sweet child o mine. gosh i love that song its really great.