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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do you think about the drums? are them easy to play?


What do you think about the drums? are them easy to play?

i dont think they are easy to play

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No tjhem isn't. My three year old loves them. I will get her lessons A.S.A.P Maybe? yeah they're easy to play... I learned to play them in the second grade ... they're the easiest instrument out there... I mean not if you're reading music for them then it's a bit difficult, but if you're just keeping the beat and doing your own thing they are sooooooo easy I don't know Ah gots me sum bongos. Ah bippity baps on um onect in a whal.
When ah plays too longlike it gived me headaiks.They aint easy. i think they should be quite easy to play cause you just hit it, there'll be sound coming out, like piano. But it will take time to master. it take a lot to play REAL drums, not fake ones like bongos and little grade school stuff. i play in 3 different bands and it's not the easiest thing on earth when we're constructing the music and learning it a lot, but it's not impossible and it's really fun once you get the hang of it. btw, them should be they in ur question....
anyway, i love em, and it takes a lot to play most any instrument The drums aren't as easy as some people think. But they aren't hard either. What makes it hard is being able have your feet and hands doing different things at the same time. people tend to kick the bass drum everytime they hit the snare or hi-hats. This works to make make it easy to learn

simple excercises
start of playing slow
be comfortable
and know how to count beats

if you start off like this it should come easier.

hope it helps