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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My school is doing The Ousiders play and i need the script to look over before i


My school is doing The Ousiders play and i need the script to look over before i audition.?

I need to know where to find the script before the auditions so that i have a jump start on my role (i think i want to do the monologe in the beginging) (sorry for the spelling). and i what the whole play not just the one that i've been seeing poste everywhere. tell me if you know where to find it.

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3 days ago
ok uh. What did u not get about the MONOLOGE AT THE BEGGING OF THE PLAY. thats the movie and it don't have a monologe it just startes out as pony writeing the uh... esay for english for Mr. Sime the monologe states out with Ponyboy calling Mr.Sime. And i want to know it.

3 days ago
oh and Kristian Kay the movie goes in one big circle they could have keeped it going forever if they wanted to its cool how they did the move but they left out some parts (major parts). Thank you for your thought anyway.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
ok uh. What did u not get about the MONOLOGE AT THE BEGGING OF THE PLAY. thats the movie and it don't have a monologe it just startes out as pony writeing the uh... esay for english for Mr. Sime the monologe states out with Ponyboy calling Mr.Sime. And i want to know it.3 days ago
oh and Kristian Kay the movie goes in one big circle they could have keeped it going forever if they wanted to its cool how they did the move but they left out some parts (major parts). Thank you for your thought anyway.

here you go. this takes you right to one of the scripts i found.

hope i helped :) Source(s): I wasnt aware they had a stage play of The Outsiders. You could just look in the book, or watch the movie. The beigining is my favorite part, next to maybe the end being the begining, I just love how Susan Hinton did that.