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How do i get over my stage fright?

i want to audition for tv shows but i have terrible stage fright how do i get over it

i love to sing and dance but only in front of me and my brother not even in front ovf my parents


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: practice often by yourself and act it out in from of your mirror
imagine your audience as kids or simply just pretend they arn't there..don't make direct eye contact with anyone
the more you do it the less nervous you'll just have to push yourself to do it cuz if you don't and the more you think and worry about it the harder it's gonna be for you. Source(s):
my experience The late great comedian George Burns said
one time that he got over his stage fright
by imagining what the audience
looked like in their underwear.
He then went on the say,
that on days when the audience
was really tough,
he would just imagine them naked.
And he'd always smile... I've found that the more I perform, the better it gets. Everyone's giving you great advice, especcially Heidi.
I myself used to feel so self-consious onstage but I would perform and act out scences I saw on tv in my room by myself, or I would improvise I would act like someones there and just act out something completely on the spot.

Even get some monologues and practise them and you get used to it and then practise to your brother and even get some friends who also enjoy drama and play some improv games etc.

Trust me the more you perform the better you will be.

And enrol in Drama/Dance or Singing classes. Even do drama at school, it really helps and everyone is in the same boat as you. Maybe go speak to the drama teachers or music or dance teachers at your school and see what they suggest for stage fright other than practise, they may recommend some breathing excersices to calm your nerves or stretches etc etc.

I hope this helps...feel free to email me any time if you need me to explain more...x