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I'm scared of saying my speech in front of everyone....?

in the whole high school 9-12 grade. please help!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well we all have some "unnatural" fears, public speaking is one of the largest believe it or not? Preparation is the key, don't stress about the memorization just be relaxed up there, keep your material and your mind uncluttered and sharp. Get to the point of the speech don't fumble around with anecdotes just get to the point and use the material to come up with the laughs if you can. Prior to going up on stage, do some deep breathing exercises, theres a full routine I can describe but I am sure they have it online somewhere...this will help you focus and prepare with proper breathing...this is essential to breathe correctly....good luck friend. Then why are you doing it?

Just imagine that they are not there and keep practicing so that you'll be on point when the time comes. practice your speech in a mirror first then in front of your family - so you'll famiarize yourself with the material and get more comfortable talking in front of people.

on the big day try to focus on something in the back of the room like a clock or anything up higher than the heads of the audiance. it will help keep your head up and project your voice and at the same time you don't really have to look at anyone.

good luck
you'll do great! You can do it! The best advice I can give you is to practice your speech so that you really know your topic. Making notecards will also help. On the notecards, put major things you want to get across, along with 3 or 4 bullet points that you want to mention. You might want to number them so that they don't get out of order. As long as you know your material you will do great. Also, remember that everyone else giving speeches is just as scared as you. You're braver than the audience for even getting up there!! Just keep practising in front of the mirror. When you're ready, ask your friends to sit on chairs and you stand in front of them. Practise your speech over and over again with them. If they're really your friends they wont laugh at you if you make a mistake. Then practise in front of your family, and then your friends and family together. Then when you have to do the real thing, imagine you are practising again. If you look at them, imagine them in their underwear (try not to laugh!!!) , and if you screw up make a sense of humour out of it, just laugh it off and continue. And when its over its over and next time don't volunteer to do it! I hope this helps!!!