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I have a fever NOW!?

So I have a preformance of 'High School Musical' tonight, and I have a fever. -_-

I'm not sure specifically what my temp is, but I'm really achey (my entire body feels likes it just got slammed against a brick wall and I'm about to crumble into a thousand pieces), and cold, and my throat is sore. My head is stuffed and I'm shaking. Plus, there isn't any understudies, I'm a major character (Taylor) and I have vocal solos.

Is there anything I can do other then tylenol to help me get through tonight. (and the TWO shows tommorrow?) Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thera-Flu... gargle with warm lemon juice before you sing... it'll help loosen up the vocal cords. Don't even bother with Tylenol. If you're going to use anything else, use ibuprofen (Advil) Make sure if you use the Thera-Flu, you don't overdose yourself on the ibuprofen. See your doctor immediately. They should be able to help with fluids and meds to get you through. consult doctor.. There is no alternate I would suggest taking these things called Emergen-C's they have TONS of Vitamin C in them and they help you get over that achy feeling, it should help you at least get through it. Good Luck Lots of vitamin C, green tea with honey and lemon, and ibuprofen.... it really sucks being sick during a performance, but remember the show must go on and you will make it thru! Get as much sleep as you can during the day today!!!!