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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Anybody know a good way to learn Stage Combat??


Anybody know a good way to learn Stage Combat??

I'm a senior directing a 10-minute scene for a class. Part of the scene is really, REALLY intense ... and I know how I want to direct it; unfortunately, the university hasn't offered a Stage Combat course in years. The scene doesn't involve dangerous weapons, but it does require some quick maneuvering of the characters involved. They need to know - in particular - how to roll and fall safely ... and it's up to me to show them. Any ideas on REALLY good visual training aids?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you can't find a stage combat instructor (try the phone book, really) and you are dead set on doing it anyway, look for a martial arts school, especially one that teaches Aikido or Jujitsu, and tell them exactly what you are looking to do. You might be able to get a group private lesson specifically for falls and rolls and other 'ukemewaza.'