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I play guitar...any way to get fingers working faster?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Doing scales and exercises, one exercise that I find works for most of my students is this one : your going to use the first four frets and four fingers, start with your index finger on the first string first fret, then the second finger on the second fret, the ring finger on the third and the pinkie on the fourth, count one, two, three, four, and then start this over again on the second fret, continue until you've done all six.....then you can start over...only this time leave your fingers on the string as your doing this....and continue in the same matter. Then there's another, do this the same way only this time start with the first finger and go to the fourth. the next time.....on the same string start with the second finger and go.....second, third, fourth, first..... then the next time start with the third, and go third, fourth, first, start with the fourth, then go to the first, second, third fourth......continue doing this up and down all six strings.....later when you feel up to it start over...starting with the fourth fret. This is so much easier to explain in person.....I hope that I'm not confusing you too much. NOTE: The most important thing in this exercise is to remember to keep your thumb in the middle of the back of the guitar neck, your fingers must be perpendicular to the strings, and I guarantee you that in six months your speed will improve !!!!!! Hope this helps and that your not to confused !!!!!!!!!! Bye ! There's only one way. Practice. I know I know, at frirst, it's boring, but when you get better, it gets fun. yes find a scale and practice at it until you eventually become faster at it then they have finger exercisers at guitar center too those are helpful but not what i would suggest practice scales thats what i do yeah, I agree with the first answer. PRACTICE A LOT! don't make it into a chore, though... I regret having stopped at the first 5 months and coming back now, but as time keeps going, you'll get faster by the day i agree practice is the only way to go. cant get anywhere without it. but a good thing to do is practice your scales etc and just go progressivly faster as you practice