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Renaissance courtly dances?

Can anyone tell me the steps for:
Galliard (La volta and Tourdion)

Would be most grateful :-)

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1 day ago
Also the Basse Danse

Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 day ago
Also the Basse Danse

Thank you I wish I knew which dances, exactly you're looking for. These are all types of dances, not the actual dance itself. But, here's something to work from

Basic steps:
Double Left (step to the side with your left foot; close with your right foot; step to the side with your left foot; close with your right foot)

Double Right (step to the side with your right foot; close with your left foot; step to the side with your right foot; close with your left foot)

Single Left (step to the side with your left foot; close with your right foot)

Single Right (step to the side with your right foot; close with your left foot)

Double Forward (starting on your left foot: step, step, step close with your right)

This is an example of a Mimed Bransle. It's called Pease Bransle.

Couples start in a circle, with the woman on the right.

Double Left
Double Right
Double Left
Double Right

The men jump (in place)
Ladies jump (in place)

The men jump and hop 3x away from the partner, to the left.

Ladies jump (in place)
The Men Jump (in place)

Ladies Jump (in place)
Then hop 3x to catch up to their men.

Repeat with music
Quadran Pavane

Single to the left side, single to the right side,
double forward

Single to the right side, Single to the left side,
double backwards

Repeat with music
A galliard, la volta and tourdion are all 3 different dances

A galliard is partnerless and danced to a drummed beat (sometimes accompanied by music) and it's:
Kick left,
Kick right,
Kick left,
Hop straight in the air

La Volta is a couple dance, where the woman has her arm around the neck of the man, and the man has his arm around the waist of the woman - hands are firmly clasped. The step goes:
Couples step left,
step right
step left
the man lifts his upper leg (above the knee) under the woman and turns to the left, while moving the woman around in a circle. The woman jumps to aid the man.

The Tourdion is:
Kick left
Kick right
Kick left
Kick right
jump straight into the air, land with your left food slightly behind your right.

Repeat dance with music
Black Almain

4 doubles forward.
Face partner and drop hands. Double backwards away from partner, double forward towards partner.
Quarter-turn left (men face up the hall, women face down the
hall), double forward up or down the hall, turn around over your right shoulder,double back to place.
Face partner; men set and turn in place.
Women do the same.
Take both hands, turn halfway using one double into partner's place,
4 slip steps up hall.
Turn halfway back to your own side, 4 slip steps down hall.
Drop hands, double backward away from partner, double forward towards partner.

Repeat with the women setting and turning in place first,
followed by the men.

Unfortuately, I only know corranto's and sarabandes as types of music. Sorry! Source(s):
Orchesography - by: Thoinot Arbeau

Inns of Court

La Volta

Black Alman