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How can you increase Vocal range? and quality?

I need to increase my vocal range and quality. But i cant afford to take lessons. Please dont tell me just "practice" or sing scales. Because i play guitar and sing all the time at home by myself. And i dont know what scales to sing. I cant sing teh high notes of teh scales because my range is low :( what do I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I had this problem once, myself, however my problem was that I had no low range at all! Vocal stretches as said above are the best for either direction, use them to increase each side of your range! what I like to do to help me hit high notes right after warming up, is to do a 5-note descending scale on an "Ee" vowel. Each time, start the scale one note higher. Also, after warming up...start by singing songs in a slightly higher range than normal, one where you can hit most of notes, maybe with a little difficulty. At first, it *will" be akward. It'll sound bad. However, sing the song everyday and eventually it will sound better and be easier, as with any song. Start small, and then work your way up to a nice high range. Don't over achieve with this- doing so will strain your vocal chords!

As for tone, a lot of people are born with amazing tone, but there are some tips. First off, make sure you are saying your vowels correctly and in the right place. Do not sing as you would speak (especially if you are American, like me!), have rounded full vowels always. Also, always make sure that your palette is raised, check your posture, and the position of your diaphram for support. Do not scream, use your lung capacity and diaphram for forte songs and any crescendos! Also, watch out for nasally sounds if you are from the mid-west. This is something that is hard to get rid of, but lifting your palette will help and asking someone to listen to you will determine if you are doing so or not. Some people say to pretend that you are being held up tall by a string, or that you are singing from the very back of your head, the back of the part that has the thickest diameter. Also, remember that when your throat feels icky, for lack of a better word, do not clear it with your vocal chords! Simply swallow repeatedly and drink water.

Also, I shouldn't have to say this, haha, but I avoid smoking because of the obvious damage it will do to your voice, especially the tonal quality! There are bigger risks, but that is the one I'm most afraid of :) Also, dairy is said to produce a thick mucus in the throat making it harder to get that great clear sound many desire...but I eat it all the time and have no problems!

Good luck!!! Source(s):
Vocal major in college, have sung my whole life! I'm not a singer, but my sister teaches voice, and I'm there to play the piano for her while she teaches, so I'll see if I can give you a little bit of what she does.

She does what she calls "vocal stretches." So, go up, singing the scales to the fifth tone in one breath then come back down, and start one note higher. Repeat.

I'm a violin/piano teacher, so I can help you with scales. Do it in the scales that fit the key. C has no sharps or flats, D has two sharps (C and F), E has four sharps(F, C, G, D), F has one flat (B), G has one sharp (F), A has three sharps (F, C, G) and B has six sharps (F, C, G, D, E, A). Those are the seven "major" majors. There are some weird ones like E flat major and stuff. Start with these ones, and then look up the minors.

For now, don't mess with modes. Trust me, most vocalists don't even know they exist. Stay in Ionian.

If you don't have a piano, find a friend who does, and here's the keys:

The first white of the set of three (with two blacks in them) is C. They go up the scale to G and then start over again. Each white key is one letter.

Good Luck! how can you increase vocal range and qualityanswer shout louder and clearly seamanab Be aware that you can increase it only a certain amount. Vocal range is based solely on the size of your vocal cords -- smaller cords result in a higher range, and longer/fatter cords produce a lower range.

However, based on your guidelines of not being able to afford lessons [which is understandable due to economic circumstances] or at least practice [which is, frankly, a sign of laziness], I can offer you no advice. If you want to get better at ANYTHING in life, you need to work at it. Absolutely NOTHING comes to anyone just because they want it a lot. Since you're not willing to put in any work, you will not get better.

Simple as that.

If you've been dazzled with films that show montages of people becoming dazzling talents over the course of two-minute montages, I assure you that reality is quite different.

Really, the only thing you can do is pray. I guess. Say the word "sing" then hold the "ng" position. Then, hum in that position. Scales, siren sounds, the melody of a song, etc.

There is an exercise called the lip whistle. Purse your lips together and blow, sort of like a kid making motorboat noises (pppp) while making a tone in your throat. When you can do this well, go up and down the scale while doing it, then "sing" your song this way.

Go as high and low as you can with these exercises.