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Should I strip the finish off my saxophone for better sound?

I am thinking about stripping the finish off of my saxophone for the sound, because I am past the point of aesthetics now. Most of the older jazzers have worn the stuff off of theirs through use, and it just seems like their sounds are "fuller" to me. Anybody done this on purpose? If so, what were the results?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You just like the look of them don't you?! Hehe! Ya, well it will change the tone, but it's not gonna make your sound fuller. It'll give it a darker tone. I know people who have done it on purpose and it has had a positive effect. Do it if you want, but be sure it is what you want! absolutely not! the finish does not really affect the tone. maybe you should take it in for a tune-up, cleaning, etc. the older guys probably have a fuller sound just because of their experience, and they play many hours a day. Not sure how this translates to sax, but I did it to one of my trombones. Big Mistake. The reason the Big Guns have a fuller sound is because they're friggin' monsters on their axe, man! Don't strip it.