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Is there a practice aid for guitar that helps change frets faster?

It takes me a while to change the frets on a guitar neck. Maybe its because i didn't memorize them. Any way, are there any practice aids or tools for that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Keep on practicing and you'll get the hang of it.

try going from A to simple Bm, D, G, then D and A. It'll be hard at first, but youll get good. That's also the beggining of Beautiful Day by U2

Try going from C to E to Am

If you cant remember the strings, from highest to lowest you can memorize it by saying Easter Bunnies Get Drunk At Easter, or from low to high, Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie. pick you a scale, such as a major, in any key and just practice ascending (going up) and descending (going down) that scale. its free and i think the most effective way. have fun.