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What do you think is the most important in an acoustic guitar?

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2 days ago
well i meant strings, shape, etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
well i meant strings, shape, etc. If you're playing steel strings, Dean Markley bronze wound will do the trick. If your fingers tips are calloused you can go to medium gage to get more bass sound. Be forewarned they are like playing a clothsline, although I played them for years. If you're beginning to play, go for the extra-lights or maybe lights.

Here's a site to look at strings for comparitive purposes:

I used Martin Marquis for a period and they sound good for a short period then they trail-off and go flat after use. I've used just about all of them. Too bad they don't make "Nashville Straights" anymore. They lasted the longest of all I tried. You are looking for that "bright' sound that stays the longest. Don't forget to use a wipe-down cloth after each use. Your strings will "keep" longer. I used an old tee-shirt. You want a cloth with little or no lint. (They sell them if you have $$)

Here some accoustics: This site is also divided by price range.

I played a used Ovation for many years and my son plays a Takamine when he sets down his electric. My opinion is that there is nothing to compare with the sound of a wood box. They are rich and deep sounding. The Takamine Accoustic- Electric my son uses was on sale at Guitar Center for about $450; the hard case was another $80. (Don't forget the cord and shoulder strap). Wait for a sale its worth the wait. Look around and read-up on these products before your purchase. How does it sound? the sound it makes? Resonance, but certainly tone is very important By far, the most important is the top wood. Only solid spruce or cedar - not laminants. That's where the sound comes from. crap, Joe Shemo from Kokomo put it all pretty much in there!

anyways, I think in my case, I wanted something comfortable and nice.
many people say that the looks shouldn't be the most importanint thing, but I think it's one of the most important :) my guitar has is actually a cheap one ($150) but it looks cool because I drew these crazy pattern designs above the hole and around.

then, strings you can always change, so get one's that don't kill your fingers :)

cheers !