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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have a retainer... do I have to take it off before I play my Clarinet?


I have a retainer... do I have to take it off before I play my Clarinet?

I take clarinet lessons and just today I got my retainer =[.... i'm wondering if it'll change the sound? thanks

***i can't try it out since my clarinet is at school

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would work at trying to keep it in while playing- it will be a challenge at first (just like talking!) but you should adapt. My reasoning is that the clarinet sits just behind the teeth and when you have had your teeth moved/moving they are in a state which can move easily (even from a half hour of playing), if that retainer is there it acts like a stabilizer. In the long run you have to remember that as uncomfortable as you are now, you will get to the end of your treatment and have pretty teeth, and then quickly readjust to playing without a retainer and of course that's a ++ situation!

-music teacher, (I started on clarinet! and went through multiple retainers) I always left mine in. It was easier and less disgusting! It takes a few days to get used to it, but after that you'll be fine! :) It is good to try to wear your retainer at all times. However, if it changes your tone quality and/or your embouchure, then I'd recommend not wearing it while you play. I've had some students who can play with them and some who can't. I could when I had mine a bazillion years ago...

The only way you'll know is to try.