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Do most colorguards use short or long poles?

I haven't seen very many people with long poles so i was just wondering.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on the type of work that the guard is doing. If you watch DCI (Drum Corps International), the top corps are using predominantly long poles (5.5 or 6 feet long). Swing flags are often put on chains for fast flag work with a smaller flag. Many parade bands will have their guards use shorter poles (I always had my guard instructors use 3 ft poles on the street because of the crowds along the sides - you don't want to knock an on-looker in the face with a pole...). When we are in competition on the field, they typically use the longer poles - you can do A LOT more with a full length pole - far more effective... If the guard does extensive work, then they will typically use longer poles. Source(s):
Band Director and Marching Band Judge for many years The regular color guard unit consists of two rifle bearing guards and as many as there are flags to carry. There is a regulation size for the flags, and I believe the military uses a long pole standard. In exhibition flag carrying the poles may be short because the bearers twirl the flags and need to have room to move.
Spartawo... Back when I was in middle school guard, we used short poles. But my friends, who later joined guard in high school w/o me, got to use longer ones as well. It's much easier to use the shorter poles for stunts and tricks; all I can think of for longer poles is for larger silks.

More usage on short or long poles does depend on the guard itself too. From watching the guard circuits in SoCal, I think that most guards use short poles.