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Drama Homework..?

Are Anthropomorphism and Pratical Theatre the same thing..or is anthropomorphism a type of Pratical Theatre?

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4 days ago
anthropomorphism is when yuu make a shape with yuur body then morph intuu sumink else lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
anthropomorphism is when yuu make a shape with yuur body then morph intuu sumink else lol I'm pretty sure that it must be only one type of practical theatre. It seems too specific, although I haven't heard of practical theatre.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. That's got me!

I know that an Anthropomorphism is something like "Death" "in the flesh" as it were - the personification of a concept ...but Practical Theatre?

I await the answers...Good Q! I thought anthropomorphism meant when you give animals human like features e.g talking like in Aesop's fables. I might be wrong though, I'm not sure... Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human behaviour or characteristics upon a non-human being, eg: a god, an animal or an object. In other words, it is something non-human behaving or looking as if it were human. There are some good examples in Alice in Wonderland and the TV cartoon Arthur; or Beauty and the Beast (household furnishings)

Zoomorphism is an antonym of the animal bit (that is, a human assuming attributes of an animal), and Deification is an antonym of the god bit. I don't know what the antonym of object anthropomorphism would be.

As all practical theatre does not involve this attribution, I can only assume that anthropomorphism is a type of practical theatre.