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Open Notes Of The Violin?

What are they? How do you write them on a staff? how do you write them on a staff?? how do you write them on a staff???

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3 days ago
What are the 4 open notes of a violin?
How do i write each of them on a staff?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
What are the 4 open notes of a violin?
How do i write each of them on a staff? The above answer is absolutely correct, but I thought I would pop in and give you a mnemonic device (Memory aid) as well. From the top string to the Bottom string (Thin to thickest) Eat - At - Doc's - Grill

From the Bottom to the top (Thickest to the thinest) Get - Down - And - Exercise

The low G would be below the second ledger line on the treble clef

The D would be placed on the space below the staff

The A would be placed on the second space within the staff
(Plain as the nose on my f - A - c - e)

The E would be placed on the fourth space (from the bottom up of course) within the staff (Plain as the nose on my f - a - c - E)

The G would be stem up
The A would be stem up
The D would be stem down
The E would be stem down
(unless you are using a whole note - no stem!)

Hope This Helps. Going from highest to lowest: E, A, D, and G.