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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What type of Spanish dance music can be played on the guitar?


What type of Spanish dance music can be played on the guitar?

I am learning how play the steel guitar and would like to learn some traditional style of Spanish music (Latino, Hispanic, what you want to call it.) that people can dance to, that is made to make people get up and move. However I am not too familiar with what is available. What styles are there? Is there any songs you can link me too so I can hear what are some good songs? Name of some good bands or artists?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Puerto Ricans love Salsa, Bolero, and Reggaeton.

Dominicans love Merengue, Bachata, and Salsa.

Cubans love Salsa (far as I know).

Mexicans love Salsa (far as I know).

SO your best bet is Salsa, because it's really big amongst Latin Americans (at least all the ones I know).
My personal favorite is Merengue followed by Bachata and Bolero.
Fulanito is a very fast paced Merengue band. Grupo Mania has nice -standard- Merengue.
Andy Andy, & Aventura are all very popular Bachata artists right now.
As for Salsa, I'm not sure who is best for learning Salsa because it's actually not one of my favorites.
Bolero I haven't found much on either. Flamingo Actually, Unknown, its called "flamenco".

A "flamingo" is a large pink bird with long legs. LOL.