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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can someone help me learn how to scream for my band?


Can someone help me learn how to scream for my band?

If you ever heard Trivium or Sonic Syndicate
well out of either 1 of those 2 bands thats what I want to scream like.

can you help me out? I suggest that you listen to them first then help me. I would really extremely thank you for it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, you could try living a life of experience in which you could actually relate to the rage and anguish being expressed.

But if you're generation-y and you've had no such negative life experience you could cash in your trust fund and take singing lessons. The same techniques used for breath control and power can be used to improve your screaming. Just push more volume than your voice is supposed to physiologically project and you'll reach that range and tonality. This is where control becomes important...anyone can scream their fool head off...and lose control. Build your lungs up and don't stop till it hurts. Yawn. Screaming? That's so old!!

Can you please be original?