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I wanna dance!?

I want to take dance lessons with my friends and get a good workout, but the starting fee is like 150 bucks for the first 3 months, then the rest of the months I just pay $50. I don't know how to get my parents to let me, so I just want to know how I can convince them. If I can't, what activity can I do?
p.s. I like playing sports, but I hate the competition. :) and I already take art lessons
thanx :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Tell them how much you love it and you're willing to make a commitment to it. Also tell them that it will come in handy later on (dances parties etc) also it will give you a sense of rhythm which can also help when learning how to play a musical instrument or learning how to sing songs. If that doesn't work you might want to try karate, kickboxing, track, cheerleading, parkour and if you want to take something really different fencing. Hope this helps! If I was ur parent m problem would be the amount of money! Sports. Art, now dancing? I'd have a serious problem! Even if we were well off! I ubderstand broadining ur horizons but my god! Just make sure before you tell them that this is something that u want to do becasue u really want to do it NOT becasue ur friends are! I know it sounds cliche but I 'll take an old cliche over my money being thrown down the drain ANYDAY! And, p.s. sugar i dont know who lied to u BUT! Dancing is cometitive! And its not just a workout! It a SERIOUS THING! But hey if u get into the class well, let's just say I can show u better than I can tell u!!!!!!! If u go with the this is something I really wanna do argument and they pick up with the we already pay 4 u to do blah blah bah blah blah just tell them that u'll drop one!!!! AND BE PREPARED TO DROP IT!!! Parents love when you make promises . . . because they don't think that u can keep them! Hope I am of some assistance! Keep asking your parents to let you take dance lessons. Ex. do your chores, ask, help with dinner, ask, etc. Show your parents that you're responsible and that you're willing to make the commitment. You could also offer to pay part of the fee if your parents will let you take lessons. Or, you could start dancing around the house to get your parents' attention. :P

Hope this helps. :)