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Good Beginners Guitar?

What is a good brand?
Is this good?

Also, I am left-handed... should I get a left-handed guitar or a right-handed one and learn to play it backwards?

Any ideas?

I've only played my friends guitar once, other than that I know NOTHING ABOUT THEM. So any additional advice would be good! (=

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The only problem with learning to play left-handed is that you will never be able to simply borrow your friends' right-handed guitars and play. And most music stores will have (at most) 1 or 2 lefty models for you to try out, compared with dozens of regular right-handed instruments, so shopping for a lefty guitar is a pain. You can special order a left-handed guitar, but if you don't like it after it arrives, you're sort of stuck with it.

A lot of left-handed musicians play right-handed (strumming and picking with the right, and fretting with the left) and do just fine with it. Both hands have equally important tasks to do in playing guitar, so it usually doesn't matter which hand is doing what. If you're a beginner, it's going to feel a bit awkward and take time to learn and get comfortable with what you're doing, either way. Look around at all the pro guitarists you've ever seen, how many of them play lefty? Its not because left-handed people don't learn guitar, its because most leftys play right-handed.

I would start out learning to play right-handed, and see how that works for you; you can always switch to lefty later if you really have a problem with it. gibson is the good brand.left handed is much better then starting u can purchase any brand.after some time u have the experience in this line. Your link doesn't work - acoustic? Get a Solid wood top like a Washburn D10S. Electric? Get something decent like an Epiphone SG or LP or a Fender Strat HSS.
Lefties can play either way - try it right handed first, then if it feels awkward, switch to a left-handed model. The guitars above all come lefthanded. Don't fight nature. You're left handed, stick with a left handed guitar. You can always try a right handed guitar later. Find a guitar that has a thin neck, and the strings are close to the frets. For now, any brand will do.