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Shall I Try Out For My School Talent Show?

My Mic Is Dollar Story so the voice might go up and down. Im 15 years old. Please Rate Singing Out Of 10 And Tell Me If I should Join The Talent Show.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Um it was ok need to work on your diction though because at times it was hard to understand what you were saying but um yeah....I go to a school where alot of our choral groups are well known nationally and my teacher never lets us sing out of tune and is very picky but in the end it pays off so I really don't want to give you a number because it will probably seem mean or something because i have a really good ear now for music and well you were kind of flat and sharp at times. Just make sure you support from your diafram (stomach muscles) more and really try to feel the ringing on your teeth and stuff but honestly it was good for someone who doesn't have what I have at my highschool so as long as you don't have that at your school you should try out because you will definatly regret it if you don't and your not that bad. 10 good job!! yeah!! you should....8 for you...really nice.e.. I have to say.. that your voice wasn't so good BUT i still think you should join because at least you got the nerve to perform on stage right? Awesome singing. I say 8 out of 10. If you feel confident about your talent, then go for it! yup, but strengthen and higher your voice, and work your vocals!!! noooo your lunch money for singing lessons Dude. Go for it. I listened to you and I give it a 8. But you got skills. I could never do it. Just practice alot so your flow is more consistant and you can sing longer with each breath. remember from the diaphram!! Good Luck, You'll do Great!!! hum... well it's a little too fast, like in a super hurry... hardly understandable...

Have you looked at any American Idol casting?

Would you really want to go ?

Perso, I won't if I was you... It's ok for singing under the shower but...

Well that's my opinion go for it I wouldn't recommend it. I don't think that song did anything for you but your voice didn't sound very convincing in that video. Right now, I wouldn't recommend you do a talent show You won't make it with that song. Your words are difficult to understand, and as Paula Abdul puts it, you are "pitchy."

I highly recommend that you do NOT sing without accompaniment. Download a karaoke track from iTunes and sing with that. It is very difficult to stay in tune when singing alone. The talent show director won't want to risk it.

I can't comment on stage presence, because I haven't seen you. This will also be a big factor. Are you confident and interesting to watch?

You should certainly try out. Even if you don't make it, it will be a good learning experience. You will get better each time.

Good luck!