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Selections for prose and/or poetry?

i need prose and poetry pieces

i am up for anything at the moment either comedic or dramatic

i have categories

for prose : any fiction piece or southern author

for poetry anything

i need a limit of 7 min. pieces so yeah

anything is good at the moment

you may reccommend excerpts from books as well

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I hate to say this, it will give away my age, but I have to give someone from my old high school -- Tennessee Williams. Specifically "The Glass Menagerie." For the Southern playwrite (St. Louis Missouri)

For Poetry Keats "Eve of St. Agnes" although it is very long. People love it and maybe you can just do a section

Short poetry, Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" aka "Daffodils" it's a favorite poem of many people.

Books, you can not miss with "A Tale of Two Cities" by Dickens. There are societies where people listen to Dickens books being read aloud. There is even a short story about this phenomenon called "The Man Who Loved Dickens"

Whatever you pick, good luck on your reading.

ps -- I was not a contemporary of Williams, but he did come to speak to our school once. I am older than dirt, but not THAT old.