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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm sure there are going to be lots of jokes about the death of Marcel?


I'm sure there are going to be lots of jokes about the death of Marcel?

But what I'd like to know is how did they come to the conclusion that he was dead, and not just miming?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not a lot of people realise how he died.
What in fact happened was that he was miming death. The normal way to do this is to clench your fist and act as if you are cutting your throat with a knife.

Unfortunately, Marcel forgot he was holding a knife and . . . . well, the rest, as they say, is history! Cemeteries are full of miming people - You're two days too late. We've been there,done that, moved on. Ive no idea, but I bet he died quietly! No jokes here. There's a big difference between the mimes you see perfoming on the sreet and Marcel.

But Marcell had the last word. In the Mel Brooks film " Silent Movie" he said " NO". To the best of my knowledge this is the only recording of him speaking. The smell I guess...oh wait he was french....yeah good question. There ya go. I've just mimed the answer.....