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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the best way to learn to play the piano well with both hands?


What is the best way to learn to play the piano well with both hands?

Whenever I play the piano, I can play the treble cleft fine with one hand, and the bass cleft fine with the right hand, but whenever it comes to putting them together, it's very hard for me to play.

Are there any exercises or drills which can help me play with two hands better?

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2 days ago
Can anyone tell me some specific exercises and drills, or have a webpage with some posted which can help me play better two handed? Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
Can anyone tell me some specific exercises and drills, or have a webpage with some posted which can help me play better two handed? Thanks. simple exercises which require that both hands be used. practicing will help, but the exercises will be more beneficial if you do them daily, and practice will improve your coordination, which is your primary problem. You should learn a major scale
and play it slowely
first seperatly untill u get it
then with both hands
use a metrinome
and practice