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How long should a clarinet last?

I have had my clarinet for 4 years now,and it doesn't seem to play so well,or well I haven't been playing aswell as I can.
My clarinet brand is buffett crampon,the german one,it is a very good clarinet and is made of wood not plastic.I've played it well until this year,my fourth year.

About how long should a clarinet last?

Could it be possible that there is something wrong with my clarinet?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A clarinet will last as long as you let it. Just take good care of it and it should last for a long time. Wood clarinets last longer if you only play them indoors. Taking it outside might dry it out and make it crack.
Something you might try is taking it to a professional clarinet repairman and have the person soak the clarinet bore oil.

If you have a private teacher ask them what they think you should do. That's not nearly enough information. If you want to know if something's wrong with it, take it to a reputable repairer or shop.