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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i become famous!? I love to sing and I'm good at it.?


How can i become famous!? I love to sing and I'm good at it.?

Any help would be amazing

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you really love it, it wouldn't matter if you were famous or not.

"Love the arts in yourself, not yourself in the arts."- Constantine Stanislavski. go on "the Singing Bee" or try out for "American Idol" either one could get you discovered. or try making a video on You Tube This is what I tell everyone....make a video and put it on youtube....your chances of getting on something like American Idol is make a video on youtube....or go to every talent show that you see....there in the newspaper all the time.... your kinda late for the ones that they have down the Jersey shore every weekend....try that next June...good luck to you...hope that you make it !!!!!!!! 1. Take a realistic view of your question. About 1 in every 5 tenagers thinks they can become famous. Now think of how many people are in the world 6,700,000,000

and how man are as famous as you want to become...

maybe 100,000

Now do the math.

2. Realize that many of these people did not try to become famous. They followed their ideals and lived their lives in accordance with their desires to be actresses, politicians, musicians, athletes, activist, ect. Most dedicate their lives to their profession and have little time for anything else besides work (or in the case of Paris Hilton being a complete boob). This should lead you to ask yourself....

3. Why do you want to be famous. If you are looking for others approval, you will never be happy. You will never be loved by all. It doesn't happen. Heck, I hate Tom Hanks and nobody dislikes him (well I did meet 1 other person). Also, consider the impact being famous has on your life and your families (you are not the only person affected by your decisions). You'll have stalkers, fans, paparazzi all trying to watch you all the time...who needs that pressure.

Think it through, being famous is not something to aspire to. It is a result of what you do and your impact on others. Famous people are no better than anyone else, just better known. This can be for both good and bad reasons. Hitler is famous, as is Ghandi (or more relevant to you, Frank Sinatra is famous, and so is Milli Vanilli).

As for being a famous musician...practice lots, choose gigs wisely, and develop a personality. BTW, what makes you think your good at singing? Is it personal opinion or popular opinion? I don't really care about the answer...but you should. It doesn't take much to be famous these days. Try doing what Paris Hilton did. :D