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Followup to my Opera question what if there was a person that made you find a new found love for classical?

music and Opera hehehe??? They made you appreciate it because of their own talent say as a singer. I have watched operas at home and they can get boring depending on the main singers if they draw me in do you agree? It all has to do with the Opera singer ????hehehe there is one man that I wouls see every opera if he sang in it :)))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello,

My sister 10 years older than me studied Music and opera and when I was tide up with good old rock and roll, she got me to visit Toronto during opera season and we saw a lot.
After that we we for great hot winter drinks and snacks in that section of the city. I quickly acquired a taste for opera.

In the same time frame I must give great credit to Luciano Pavarotti who did a terrific job bringing opera from an entertainment of the snoddy elite (in North America) to the common Joe when he used his great voice and personality to cross the bridges between opera and folk, rock and the works. He did much to promote and change the image of opera much like Mohamed Ali did for boxing, Bruce Lee for the martial arts, Tiger Woods for golf etc.


Michael Kelly Hi Rena,
Yes I can see what you're saying and if you have a particular favourite opera singer, you might feel more connected with the opera no matter what it was because he will draw you into it. Also there are some opera singers that can make some songs that others sing sound really more beautiful and moving.
My mum really liked Mario Lanza so I heard his voice a lot when I was younger and I still like to hear it now.
Pollyanna There was a woman that I once met in class whose looks were not my ideal (I'm being polite... not even close to my likes) for a girlfriend. But I fell (not in love mind you) for the way she thought and the spirit she evoked. Her intelligence and personality won me over.

So, in that frame of thought, I could indeed be 'seduced' into an Opera house and who knows, may find the quality of the vocals, the extravagance of the spectacle or other less tangible attributes likeable.

But... that is a long shot.

Peace I don't like the word "Made" in your question. I would prefer it, if you had said "A person that influenced you , to find a love of classical music".
I also know that you have a favourite singer, who is very good,
but not in the class of the really great tenors.
You really need to expand your horizons, with regard to the
singing talent that is currently on the opera circuit.
I do appreciate your attraction to the man, but suspect that it has not too much to do with his singing abilitty and all I can say is enjoy, what suits your taste.
P.S. Please don't take this as a censure on your taste. I am really pleased that you are interested enough, in good music,
to pose this question. It is my experience that opera is so much more interesting when you see it live. I am a music/ choir teacher, and so many kids have no experience in the genre, exept that its made fun of by cartoons and tv ... thus they hate it. I tell them that it really is an "experience" when you are there. It is a combination of the music, the song. the costumes, lights, dance, the aura. To me, it is magic. I do agree with your statement that there are just some performers in which we have a true connection to. I guess that's part of the magic too! Live stage is best!!!!! I was exposed to the classical world of Opera as a very young child. My great aunt was a beautiful opera singer, and when she sang it gave me chills. I sored with her every note and have vivid memories of attending the theater and listening to her. I was only six years of age, and was considered the odd ball in school loving the classics so much. I have to say Rena, you touch so many of us with your questions, making us think of issues or times in our lives that would other wise be forgotten in the achieves of the brain! Hi Rena, I like classical music,So if i met someone who liked the same. I would be happy to go to Operas with them.I find the music very emotional rich and very relaxing indeed. If you have a chance, it's worth a lot to see Anna Netrebko, especailly if she is paired with Rolando Villazón. Who is your favorite man?