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What are some fun initiation activites for a high school age group?

We will be initiating new members into our high school age theater group soon and are looking for some really fun and crazy (but harmless) things that we can to to the "victims" (new members). Any suggestions? What have you done or experienced in an initiation?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: -Have them put on a comical play for your group but only give them an hour to prepare.
-Or give them a crazy scavenger hunt - 3 hours to get like 2 bananas, a wheat penny, a picture of Lucille Ball, a book about monkeys, just some crazy stuff.
-Have them dress in whacky costumes and go out in public handing out fliers for an upcoming even you are having.
-Have them make your group a nice breakfast before school starts.
-Have them dress "shakespearian" for a day of school.

GL, just some stuff that sounded kinda cool to me - all harmless but fun :) Hazing is illegal. Be sure to keep that in mind.

I'd say harmless things like improv games, making "newbie" T-shirts, face painting, water fights... Let members of the theater group style their hair before they start classes one day. And, they have to keep their hair styled like that for the whole day! We also had a fall party...big bonfire and made the new members bob for apples. We bought the largest apples we could find, and they would end up having to stick their whole head into the tub of water to get the apple. It was hilarious! Have fun.