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Make myself a good musician?

I have had a guitar for a good year and a half and I can play alot of songs that are tabbed out. I just feel like Im not getting any better. I want to be able to read and play classical music- and improvise and stuff. Any ideas on what to do? okay yes..get some lessons-what else?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey!
like was said, listen to all different kinds of music. you already know that you should take lessons- if you really are serious, take piano lessons too,and play in an orchestra- not a band- because that way you get to know all different kinds of music and instruments, you develope a kind of coordination as well, and also u8 have tons of fun with the crowd.nothing too boring tho, if the crowd there is geeky, dont go, itz important to have fun. i play in the jerusalem youth orchestra, itz really worth the time.
practice-a lot of scales, because without total controll on the scales area, you wont be ableto improvise, jazz, there is a lot you can learn from jazz.
good luck!