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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What type of guitar should I buy?How can I learn it?


What type of guitar should I buy?How can I learn it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I sold guitars for several years. Electric guitars are easy to play because teh strings don't make your fingers sore. Flat tops can cause your fingers to get sore. They make "folk" guitars which use a lighter string, don't make as much noise, but are fun to play.

What I play is a classical with nylon strings. There is a bit more room between the strings, which, of course, causes the neck to be a bit wider, but they can be played so as not to make much noise.

Don't buy the best guitar; don't buy the cheapest guitar. You can get a good classical from Jasmine for about $200 or less. You can buy electrics (which require an amp) from about $200 or so plus the amp. Flattops (steel string acoustics) are all over the place.

I would buy, and I always do, used and be not afraid to ask the dealer for a break. If you know what to look for, you can get them for nickles on the dollar at garage sales. I saw an electric and an amp for $250, probably $400 new, and they would talk down - but I did not want an electric. Pawn shops are the worst place to purchase unless you know more than they do. They know about flat tops and electrics, but know nothing about classicals. I bought a $2500 classical from one, which is all but brand new, for $30 only because the market is smaller, they know nothing about them, etc.

You are good with Yamaha, Takamine, Jasmine (a second Takamine), Alvarez and a zillion other brands. Just don't buy junk!