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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are funny things nurses do? (like for an acting skit)?


What are funny things nurses do? (like for an acting skit)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are you talking about!?! We take our job very seriously:) NOT!! I have to have some humor or I couldn't make it through one night.

Funny things that I have seen (not done)
1. Tell someone that it won't hurt when you know it will.
2. Ask someone if they had cancer. ( I seriously had this happen. A student nurse ask my patient if she had kidney cancer. My patient thought she was saying she had kidney cancer. My patient was in remission, but after that, she thought she had it and refused her chemo and radiation for two days, until the doctor convinced her that she wasn't dying,and that her cancer was in remission.)
#3. My favorite. Wake a patient up the night before the are to go down for a big procedure, like a brain biopsy, and get them to sign the permit, and start asking about advanced directives (living will / durable power of attorney). This cracks me up every time. What you do is knock on the door really loud, walk in and turn the bright lights on, and talk as if they are deaf, even if their not!

Nurses have a sick sense of humor!!!