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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you pretty pretty please gimme some sdvice. it'll be ohh so appreciated. th


Can you pretty pretty please gimme some sdvice. it'll be ohh so appreciated. thank you!!?

so i have big dreams of becoming a famous ,inspiring ,award winning recording artist and dancer. it truely is my GREATEST passion. but of all the obsticales that lay ahead of me the biggest on is shyness. and when i get shy,..i get nervous. and the rest just goes down hill from there. i've never sung in front of anyone besides my sister and best friend. they insist that i sing beautifully and that i really need to sing in front of a bigger crowd besides just two pictures. i really do need some wise advice on how to completely VANISH that characteristic of mine. i'm only shy when i'm getting ready to get in front of a large auidence. i need some advice. some reeeeealy good advice. and i'll be thinking of those wise words whenever i'm getting ready to perform in front of people.
thank you soooooooooo very much!

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8 months ago
sorry about my typeos. two pictures is suppose to be two people. and the typeo in the tite too.
my bad.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
sorry about my typeos. two pictures is suppose to be two people. and the typeo in the tite too.
my bad.