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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When ever I sing I find my throat tensing up, is there any way to prevent this?


When ever I sing I find my throat tensing up, is there any way to prevent this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Diamond is right! I'm a student at the Mary Pappert School of Music, and you have to be really really careful how you use your body, ecspecially your voice! There's probably a technique error that's going on. Have you worked with a teacher on breathing? (A good exercise for proper breathing is to lay on the floor- your lungs will automatically expand more properly then- and try to keep that deep breathing feeling when you are standing up)
Your air in the lungs should be giving power to the voice, the rest of your throat and mouth should be open, but relaxed. -focusing on having lots of breath and using those muscles down there around your lungs (particularily your diaphragm) to sing should really help with tenseness a lot.
Just please please don't oversing!! (You want to keep your voice for the rest of your life :) So please be careful
If you've been yelling a lot and your throat is tense because it's tired, usually giving it rest and drinking milk helps (milk is not always good immediatley before singing because it increases mucus flow (chocolate does too) but if you are resting your voice and not singing, it's a good time to coat it with milk or honey.)
If you're sick, orange juice or citrus will clean out the messiness
Hope that helped!

(The range problem won't be a concern if you're not oversinging, as you won't be using enough air to be straining your voice out of range)