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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Antique violin need help aprroximating age - Strad. copy, Made in Germany, initi


Antique violin need help aprroximating age - Strad. copy, Made in Germany, initials KH on inside....?????

I recently purchased (what I hope) is an antique violin for about AU$150.

The label inside reads as follows:
Antonius Stradivarius faciebat Cremona 1713

Also, to the left of the label there is a logo of a violin inside a diamond which is on top of what looks to be the upper half of a globe, and there is a letter on each side of the violin logo neck - KH. I know it is old because there is spotting of mold inside.
I think it is a factory instrument, probably made in czeckoslovakia c.1920 onwards, but then again I really have no idea.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you tell if it is handcarved or not? Most German instruments are very good, handcarved, instruments. They usually have details that are carved, not just painted on black stripe outlineing the instrument , etc.You could contact a violin repairman, he can tell you where to find a person that can give you the info. you need. I had an antique violin, and he told me there is someone who will get you the info you need for about $200. in american money.Hope this helps.