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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I luv to sing, since I lost my voice 2 weeks ago it's still not the same why?


I luv to sing, since I lost my voice 2 weeks ago it's still not the same why?

When will I get the high notes again, and is there anything I can do to get it back quicker? Is there any exercises I can do to make me a stronger singer? It seems my asthma is working against me also, what do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Once you have "lost" your voice, there isn't really anything you can do to get it back quickly. Your vocal folds are very tiny and any damage to them takes a while to heal. You need to rest your voice as much as possible. No singing, talking, whispering etc. Write notes to people for a few days. Drink lots of water, since the vocal folds are so small, they dehydrate very quickly. Singers need to drink a lot of water and stay away from caffeine as that is drying. If you must have flavor, try herbal teas. I have heard of one called Throat Coat that is supposed to be good.

As far as exercises, especially since you have asthma, be very gentle at first. Do some panting, (yes, like a dog), but do it quickly about 10 seconds 3 or 4 times a day. Also place your hands on your ribs and take in a very deep breath so you feel your ribcage expand. Keep the tight feeling you get while SLOWLY releasing the breath while you count, 1,2,3 on pitch. Keep track daily of how far you get. Beginners should be able to reach at least 16, more advanced singers should be able to reach 25 - 30. Remember to do this slowly, this is not speed counting.

Next, find a good voice teacher. Check with your teacher at school or a local theatre. If you are serious about your voice, you need to learn how to use it properly.

Good luck!