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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you learn how to sing vibrato or is it just something you're born with?


Can you learn how to sing vibrato or is it just something you're born with?

I sing in a choir, I'm reasonably in-tune, the sound is ok-ish (I am hidden by lots of better people so it's ok!) The thing is, I am sure the quality would be improved immeasurably if I could sing vibrato - it just sounds so wonderful! How on earth do you do it?! People I have spoken to say it just comes to them naturally. Surely there must be a way to learn? (having said this I still can't roll my r's even though I have tried endlessly).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes you can learn. Talk to your teacher about proper vibrato techniques so it sounds right and not like your trying to show off. Vibrato done wrong makes an otherwise good singer sound bad. Be sure that you want to sing vibrato because it is even harder to reverse back to normal straight singing.