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Can i increase my vocal range??

i know, i know. practice and a good teacher.
any REAL advice?? like, what would a good teacher tell me??

thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, the answer I'm assuming that will be right above me said some really good things.

Besides that, don't decide to just go and sing really high or really low. Work up or down gradually. This will be fairly hard to do if you don't have access to a piano. If you are going to be singing soprano or tenor I suggest you just play around in a comfortable range until you are warmed up. Then work up. Once you hit a note that's really pushing it, and your mind is saying I might be able to hit one or two more stop. Sing up, down, and around, but don't go higher than that note. When that note becomes comfortable (which will probably be quite quickly) go one (or maybe two!) higher. Do not just go sing really really really high. Try to have as much sound as possible on the high notes. Really, low is the same thing except you probably don't have to worry nearly as much about hurting your voice. And... I know... a good teacher will work miracles. ; )