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Performing Arts School?

My daughter is interested in attending a local Performing Arts School (grades 7-12). She's in 5th grade now, and is starting to get involved in musical community theater & acting lessons. Any other ideas for skills sought after by these schools?

She doesn't play an instrument, but is athletic (gymnastics). She shows an interest in hip hop/modern dance.

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8 months ago
By "school" I mean Jr High & High School. They teach academic curriculum as well as the Performing Arts. You must audition to be accepted. That's why I asked what talents/skills were most in demand for these schools (ie, dancing more than instrument, voice over acting, etc.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
By "school" I mean Jr High & High School. They teach academic curriculum as well as the Performing Arts. You must audition to be accepted. That's why I asked what talents/skills were most in demand for these schools (ie, dancing more than instrument, voice over acting, etc.)