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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What it is a good brand of guitar/amp for playing psychedelic/progressve rock?


What it is a good brand of guitar/amp for playing psychedelic/progressve rock?

Those 2 genres above are usually what the stuff I make up qualifies as. I play other stuff as well though. Anything from Zeppelin to Cradle of Filth.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yah... that dude whos avatar looks like mine is right on.
Marshalls are the best.
I have a Carvin 4 12 with a Randall head though and it rocks hard.
if you want a sound though get a multifx pedal.
dont get a Zoom.
i have one and it sucks.
Boss makes sweet pedals but they aren't multi.
as far as guitars, can't go wrong with a fender for psychrock (think Hendrix n Dav Gilmour)
i have an Ibanez RG it is soooo fast and heavy. great for metal/shred.
good luck.
p.s. i think im in love wit ur ava. (they have that effect huh)