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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have a piano recital coming up. I am really nervous. Any tips to get rid of


I have a piano recital coming up. I am really nervous. Any tips to get rid of nervousness?

I have a piano recital coming up really soon. I practiced a LOT for it, but I am still nervous. I had feelings that I might mess up badly, or even forget the song. It is a competition. Anyone have to tips to make me confident for this event?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One: Take a deep breath. AND MAKE IT A GOOD ONE.
Two: Tell yourself there's nothing to be afraid of. That you're prepared and you know your stuff just fine.
Three: Imagine the audience, judges, etc in their underpants doing aerobics with Richard Simmons to your music on the piano and don't pee your pants laughing
Four: Talk about it. Keeping your anxiety all pent up can make it explode into tears or even a mental breakdown once you get on stage. Just chill out, walk, talk to your friends, get those butterflies out of your stomach.

I've been playing violin for 5 years and I've been on stage probably 30-40 times. Solo as well. And being judged. I get the jitters, but once I start playing, I gain momentum and confidence.