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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I correctly set the inntonation on a Jackson RR1 Guitar?


How do I correctly set the inntonation on a Jackson RR1 Guitar?

I love the sound that comes out of this thing, but some times its a pain in the butt tune and adjust. For one, I think that the bridge is being pulled up way too high by the strings, and I have no idea how to properly tune the innotations. If anyone can help, that would be great. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you know how to make harmonics and tune a string you can
set up your guitar. get a chromatic tuner[a cheap one] tune
all your strings. now pluck the E-string with your finger just touching at the 12 fret. if it shows flat,adjust your bridge nut screw, to move toward the neck.if sharp turn screw to move nut
away from neck.tune all strings like this.when you have the same
note in tune, open and 12 fret 1 octave apart you`re in business