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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some good five minute monologues I can use?


What are some good five minute monologues I can use?

I'm in my school's Forensic's club, which is a public speaking club. I need a five minute monologue by Nov. 27, and I want to do a modern day monologue.

The rules state that it has to be a published piece from literature.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow I am totally passionate about forensics...I don't know what category you are in, but if it is poetry you should def. use "What My Mother Doesn't Know" by I don't know who. But if you are in D.I. like I think you are, then you should do something that you could relate to, something that you could truly relate to and act out. Some tips..make it a monlogue that is semi-current, and something that will keep the audience interested (funny, scary, sad..) Whatever the monologue is, put emotion into it, and you'll do perrfect!