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How do I get over stage fright???

I have to sing in front of about 4 crowds in the next two weekends. I perform all the time at this church and i've done the nursing home a few times, but i'm still not over stage fright. Even thinking about it gets me shaking a little. I tell myself before that I sound good and i try to be confident, and people constantly tell me I sound good, but when I actually go up there to play I shake really really bad, and I get really nervous, even though I know I have no need to be. What can I do to get over the stage fright and the shaking that comes with it? it ruins my voice, and makes it shake, which can't happen if i'm belting out a song.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Breathe first, honey. Just breathe. Now, here are a few tips for working over your stage fright.

#1.) I know you don't have time, but building up your "audience tolerance" is a good start. I wouldn't suggest, unless anyone is UBER confident, starting out with crowds by the thousands. Work your way up. Practice by yourself, then in front of family & friends, on to small venues, and then up to the bigger spaces where people tend to get stage fright the worst. By accustoming yourself to the idea of larger audiences, it becomes easier each time.

#2.) NEVER look the audience in the eye. It's always better to look directly over their heads. It's similiar to the whole "ostrich head in the sand" theory. If you can't see them, they can't see you.

#3.) Be as prepared as possible. If you know the material to the best of your ability, then there's no reason to doubt yourself. And that will be one less problem off your mind.

#4.) Perform something you enjoy. I always find it enjoyable to share something I really love or care about with others. By thinking of your performance as sharing something you love with others, it makes it seem a little less disheartening.

#5.) Remember to just do the best you can! That's all anybody can ask for...