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hi people, hope your god. just wondering if anyone got tips on how i can train my voice to reach higher notes with out goin folsetto ( the choir boy sound), i got a soul -ike voice n was wonderin haw i can develop it...

thanks alot

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Vocal exercises quite simply. For instance, going up a scale in thirds So it would be;
C E, D F, E G, F A, G B, A C, B D, C etc.
Then come back down again. Try two octaves or as far as you can get too.

Be careful not to strain your voice, push a LITTLE each day and try and get the best sound quality on the higher notes that you can, do each note really slowly until you get a sound quality you like then move on, then try the whole thing again faster.

A little and often is SAFE tho. Don't spend hours on it, yo'll strain your voice.

For your type of singing (souly) you might want to make up your own exercises too. Breathing is a factor so try and do some of the exercises in one long breath but not compromising sound quality.

Hope that helps!