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The Paino Keys?

Is there a printable sheet that i could use to tell me what the keys are on a paino. Does it go a,b,c,e,f,g,a,.......?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you've got a traditional, accoustic piano (either grand or upright), the first key on the keyboard is "A" (sit at the piano- look to your left, the very first key way at the bottom). The musical alphabet runs A-G, then just starts over again until you run out of keys (they last key way at the top is "C"). So, if you start at the first key "A", you can go through and label all of the remaining keys. If you don't have a traditional piano, here's a way to figure out which keys are which:

Look at the black keys- notice they're grouped in groups of 2 and 3. Place your right hand on a group of two black keys. Slide your second finger (index finger) onto the white key to the immediate left of the 2 black keys. This is "C". "D" is in between a group of 2 black keys, and "E" is to the immediate right of a group of 2 black keys. Now place your right hand on a group of 3 black keys. Slide your finger onto the white key to the immediate left of the black key it was on. This is "F". The white key to the right of "F" is "G". After "G" is "A", and after "A" is "B".

As for the black keys, they are "sharps" and "flats" of the white keys.

If you'd like a book with this information in it, I'd suggest you go to your local music store and look for Faber's Piano Adventures. I'd start with the "Primer Level". Get both the Theory and Lesson Book. This is what I use w/ my piano students. Hope this helps!